Our rules are built around creating a place for otaku-specific discussion.
1- Harassment will not be tolerated.
Including, but not limited to: Verbal abuse, threats, shaming, discrimination, sexual misconduct, and harassment based on sex, gender, race, sexuality, relationship status, political leaning, or media preference.
2- Do not attempt to impersonate other users.
3- Properly tag new discussions.
4- Discussion of social/moral/political issues is not permitted unless very directly pertaining to otaku culture (e.g. discussing new laws that could affect the culture.).
If you can't help but post about politics, this is not the place for you.
5- Spoiler tag all NSFW images outside of the NSFW tag.
6- Moderators and admins have final say on all issues.
Above all else: Use your common sense. Don't do anything stupid or illegal.
The core purpose of these rules is to discourage troublemakers. They will be implemented to that end.